Reason Insights
Our submission to the initial Data and Digital Government Strategy 2023 provided observations, recommendations, and a concept to drive the outcomes of the strategy in the area of Data and Digital Foundations.
The strategy serves to drive the ambition of Australia as a leading digital economy and society by 2030. To turn this vision into reality, our Australian Government systems themselves must be nothing short of world-leading, keeping pace with technological development and adoption. Our “GovTech” is, therefore, a critical enabling capability that requires a strategy and systematic investment across government and the private sector ecosystem.
We describe the APS-Labs, a viable turn-key approach for cross-agency, cross-jurisdiction and ecosystem co-development that can be easily replicated. It is beneficial at any stage of a data and digital initiative to help de-risk the implications of major commitment decisions. They are safe houses to incubate ideas in simulated environments that can then be transferred in-house, and then used to substantiate potential for reuse of platforms, systems, and patterns.
You can find the initial Data and Digital Government Strategy here.
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